
We impress our clients regardless of their experience​

Leave migrating your site, installing WordPress, managing security and updates, and optimizing server performance to us. Now you can focus on what matters most — growing your business.

Speed obsessive architecture

We use state-of-the-art technology like Nginx, PHP 7.3, CloudLinux, and MariaDB 10.x to make sure your website loads in the blink of an eye. Featuring complete resource isolation, automatic scalability, and high availability.

  • Nginx
  • CloudLinux
  • PHP 7.3
  • MariaDB

High security network

Continuous monitoring for uptime, DDoS attack detection, Web Application Firewall tuned for WordPress, SSL support, and Automated daily backups. CageFS prevents a large number of attacks, including most privilege escalation and information disclosure attacks.

  • Backups
  • CageFS
  • SSL
  • WAF

Built On Rock-Solid Software


NGINX (Customised)

Let's Encrypt


WordPress Toolkit

PageSpeed Module

We Make WordPress Easier for You

Leave migrating your site, installing WordPress, managing security and updates, and optimising server performance to us. Now you can focus on what matters most — growing your business.

WordPress Toolkit

DevOps made simple. The WordPress Toolkit provides a single management interface to easily install (one-click installer), configure and manage WordPress.  

Features you'll absolutely love...

Bulletproof Backups

Easily protect and restore your site with access to automated and on-demand backups.

Built-in Caching

Get better results with a faster site — without all the extra work of implementing caching yourself.

1-Click Staging

Confidently test new plugins, themes, and code before pushing your changes to your live site.

  • Unmetered Bandwidth
  • One-click WordPress
  • One-click Staging
  • WP-CLI Enabled
  • GIT Pre-Installed
  • SSH & SFTP Access
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • Temporary Preview
  • Cloudflare CDN and Free SSL
  • WP Auto-updates
  • PHP 7.3 Support
  • 30 Day Moneyback Guarantee

Smart WP management

One-click to install the latest WordPress version on any domain names and begin building your site. Use our temporary preview path first if you don’t have a domain yet!

  • Easy one-click install & transfer
  • Connect multiple domains to your WP site
  • Feature-rich WP setup platform

Test changes on staging site

Create a clone copy of your live website to a separate staging installation anytime, with just a single click.

Test any new changes you have on designs, codes, settings on more on your staging site. Once you have tested the changes, easily sync the changes to the live site with just one click.

WordPress Optimised

Get better results with a faster site — without all the extra work of implementing caching yourself.

  • Latest PHP 7 and MariaDB / MySQL
  • Nginx (Built-in Caching)
  • HTTPS-enabled with HTTP/2 supported

Heavy Load Test Result

Test Details

Hosting Package: WP Starter
TestType: Clients per second
Clients: 300
Duration: 1 min

Response Times: 346ms (avg)
Response Counts: 17604
Success: 100%

Google Lighthouse

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